Free NFT for all Sizze subscribers

4 min readApr 8, 2022


You must have heard about NFT, perhaps you wanted to create your own NFT object or purchase it. Then, we’ve got some good news for you, no matter if you are an art connoisseur, collector, new to the world of NFT, you will be interested in this wonderful advantageous offer.

Sizze has developed its own NFT tokens in the form of characters from the 90s and early 2000s, the era of dot-coms and the technological boom, which Sizze gives away as a gift to Sizze users. In this article, we will explain what NFT is, what the Sizze company is engaged in, and how you can get these unique characters for free.

A little bit about NFT

An NFT token (Non-fungible token token) is a unique digital certificate that is stored in the blockchain, guarantees the originality of the item and gives exclusive rights to it. This concept came from the world of cryptocurrency.

Non-fungible tokens cannot be imperceptibly divided, or replaced. The system is suitable for securing the rights to a unique object — a work of art, real estate, an artifact in a computer game.

By purchasing an NFT token, the user acquires a certificate for the work. At the same time, the work itself does not move anywhere. It is located on perpetual storage (IPFS). This certificate, in essence — is lines of code that confirm that it is the owner of the token who owns the original copy of the object. The NFT token is compared to a painting that may belong to a gallery, museum or private person, but the audience can see it in a catalog or at an exhibition.

More about Sizze

Sizze develops no code code tools that allows to build mobile apps with a minimum budget, without writing a single line of code, a technical team and in the shortest possible time.

The company currently has three products: Sizze Editor, Sizze Plugin for Figma, and Sizze service.

In the Sizze editor, you can create applications and publish them directly through the editor to the mobile app marketplaces. In the editor, you can import ready-made designs from Figma or create layouts from scratch in the editor itself using pre-made presets and components, which greatly simplifies the design process, since Sizze gives freedom in the design customization, almost like in Figma, and focuses on pixel-perfect development using drag-and-drop functionality.

The Sizze editor allows users to create the interface, the business logic of the application (transitions, appearance, etc.) and connect the API backend or Firebase tables for data connection.

Their distinguishing feature is integration with Figma, which makes it possible to instantly export layouts and convert them to React Native code without a quality loss.

The Sizze plugin for Figma is a great tool for those who want to save time, simplify the work of development and just experiment in the direction of mobile design. The plugin instantly converts Figma projects to React Native code, and the magic of the Sizze plugin — all Figma components are converted to React Native components. You can divide the large application into many small pieces, which makes the development fast and maintains the code very clear to understand.

If you want to order the development of a custom mobile application, then the Sizze service is what you’re looking for. An experienced team of Sizze developers can create high-quality native applications for Android and iOS systems that meet the requirements of your business and security.

Finally, how can you get a free NFT?

The unique Sizze NFT characters are given as a gift to everyone when subscribing to the pro plan. This is a very good offer, isn’t it? You get access to the Sizze editor and plugin for just a $ 35 subscription and at the same time get this beautiful NFT as a gift.

All you need to access the Sizze NFT token is just to let the team know that you are a Sizze user.

You can contact them at, Discord, Intercom, or any of the social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin.

Just look at these characters, you may even recognize some of them.

Step on the line of progress with us and stay passionate!



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